Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My How LIfe Changes

Today I am packing my boxes.. And preparing for a move again.. I hate moving. Those who know me I'm sure think I must Love moving. We do it so often so I must love adventure and moving. But For all those foolish people who believe that about me. THINK AGAIN. I am a home body. I like stability and I hate to move. I wish I never ever had to move again. I just know that in order to make necessary changes in my life sometimes I need to move.

So I'm at it again. Packing and stressing and packing some more. I have been suffering with anxiety alot lately. Last night I woke up in the wee hours of the morning full of terrible anxiety. I hope I will survive this move. It is getting harder for me to survive the daily challenges I'm faced. The older I get the more I crave STABILITY.

I am so sad to leave this wonderful place I have called home for 3 years. I will miss the people who made me feel so loved and needed. For the first time I have lived in a place where people loved me without judgements. I was able to be me and that was good enough. Its so wonderful to be loved unconditionally for your heart. That your outward appearances are of less importance than how much money you make. That what is most important is your willingness to serve others.
Of course I don't want it to seem that I haven't lived in other wonderful places. I have the most amazing dear friends in Calgary, and Raymond. I couldn't have survived without the friends I made in those towns who loved me even though I'm quirky and strange sometimes. But here I just fit. I found a place where I was ok no matter what. I will miss feeling like we are needed and important to the ward we served in. I hope I don't end up in a country club ward (as our Bishop likes to call them) where we wont be needed. I love to serve and so does Johnny.

So Off to Vancouver Island we go. To be close to Family and the most exciting thing is to finally live close to my oldest and one of my dearest friends. My childhood best friend Sheira. The other day I was thinking about our friendship and realizing that we have been dear friends for over 30 years now. Its amazing. Malia is spending the next few weeks or so visiting with her Auntie Sheira.. And her (cousins). She is having the time of her life with them. Its reminds me so much of all the wonderful crazy times I shared with Shi when I was Malia and Rachel's age. So off we go to a new beginning but a familiar home. I'm coming full circle as I go to my childhood home -Victoria BC.


  1. Oh dearest sister I feel your pain. You have my deepest sympathies. What brings jon and I solace in our move is the weeding process. We started last year and are now finishing up. It feels so good discard or give away much of our things. Though I still hate moving, having less stuff makes it easier somehow. I hope all works out in Victoria, we will have to come and visit.
    Love you, Day

  2. Mom, I love you! I feel so guily that I'm not there to help. I hope you will be able to manage things well enough. I've been really sad about the whole thing too. I just love that ward in For Laudersdale, and it breaks my heart to pieces to leave it. But, I know just as well that we will in no time make our new home just as wonderful. I love you.

  3. Hey sis, what is new in your life?
