Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Boa in the Backyard

The Boa had already killed it prey when we arrived. Dad freed the Zorro from its mouth so we could see the whole process.

Here is the first stage.. open wide!

He would literally inch his own body overtop of the Zorro's body.. using his snake skills. It was amazing.

When Mr. Boa got down to the zorro's legs it used its body to fold up the legs of the Zorro into a cylinder for easier eating. By wrapping itself around the body and squeezing it. very interesting.. it was at this point I couldnt resist touching the snake.. It was very neat.

This afternoon our foreman, Moises, came up to the house asking us to bring the camera and follow him. My dad had some sort of snake he wanted us to see. So we followed Moises, who was brandishing a large machete into the jungle (our backyard). Moises cut a pathway for us into the brush and we followed for quite a ways. As we neared we could hear my dad yelling to hurry up cause he was worried the snake would get away. What we discovered when we got there was my dad wrestling this 6-8 foot long Boa constrictor for his dinner. The Boa had caught himself a nice dinner of Zorro ( a small fox like creature) and the workers along with my dad had heard the screams of the Zorro. They chased the screams to find this huge boa. My dad ever the crocodile Dundee sent for us so we could see this very exciting thing. He had to hold on the the tail of the Zorro to stop the Boa from further devouring it. Crazy Guy. This is what we saw. We were so close to it as it ate (only cause it was so occupied) that I was able to touch it a couple of times although it did hiss at me. .. I didn't have my long lens so I got pretty close about 2 feet from it. As you can imagine my mom was freaked out, worried that it was going to devour one of us.. But after I explained that it was very occupied in the art of feeding that there was little to fear at this point. Maybe after his meal was done I would get back.. but he really wasn't all that interested in us. We were far to big for his mouth.

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  1. OH MY FREAKING HECK!!!!!!!!!

    Maya those are incredible pictures! I wish I could have been there to see that huge snake devour that snack! I am thankful for your camera. Keep taking pictures. Take lots of the Hacienda. Before you know it the place will be gone forever and those small memories will we lost.

  2. can you believe that i am finally reading your blog, i just asumed for a ever that you were not going to update it, anyway it is good to read it, i want more!!! miss you and the girls and Zeeky misses his cousins too..
    love you

  3. I love the reading about your adventures. How are things going now? More more more!
