Friday, July 25, 2008

Sleeping in Hammocks

Sleeping is no easy deal in Maxcanu at the Hacienda. There isn't enough beds for everyone so we have to live like the locals and sleep in Hammocks. We don't know how anyone can enjoy sleeping this way night after night cause our bodies are quite sore in the morning. Our backs are used to being on a nice soft bed, but its worth it being able to visit with Nanna and grampa and having a nice place to call home for a while.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Who's there?

    Searching the Web (Maxcanu), I found this blog.

    My name is Emir, I'm from Maxcanu, Yucatan, Mexico...

    You wrote: "Sleeping is no easy deal in Maxcanu at the Hacienda."
    ¿En cuál hacienda? No los conozco a ustedes. No te había visto antes. By the way, descansar en una hamaca es lo mejor (at least for us), si les causó dolor quizá necesiten acostumbrarse o buscar la forma de estar comodos :) It's not so bad.
