Saturday, July 26, 2008


Nanna with the kids at the beach in Progresso

Cheyenne enjoying the sun
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Friday, July 25, 2008

Sleeping in Hammocks

Sleeping is no easy deal in Maxcanu at the Hacienda. There isn't enough beds for everyone so we have to live like the locals and sleep in Hammocks. We don't know how anyone can enjoy sleeping this way night after night cause our bodies are quite sore in the morning. Our backs are used to being on a nice soft bed, but its worth it being able to visit with Nanna and grampa and having a nice place to call home for a while.
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Teesh and Zeek

Teesh just couldn't get enough of Ezekiel. He was irresistible. The girls kept saying how they cant wait till he is a bit older and they can play with him. We all just enjoy every moment we had to snuggle our new little baby boy.
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Malia and Sierra

Malia adores her little sisters. Here she is with Sierra. She is so patient and loving to her sisters. She always makes sure they are doing well and having fun. She is a great child to have in our family. We all love being around her sunny disposition.
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Houses in Levels

As you can see the houses are built in levels in the side of the hills. Each one of these boxes is a house for an entire family. If you look at the bottom of the picutre you can see that it is also built on a tunnel.
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My Familia

Here we all are except me and Arturo. Grandpa was at home in Merida and John was at home in Florida but here is the main tribe. Guanajuato has great weather. We could so easily enjoy a summer day without getting too hot or be too cold. Thats alot of Estogen in one family. Poor little Ezekiel he will be hating life around all these girls when he gets a bit older.
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Underground tunnels

This is a typical entrance to an underground street tunnel. These Tunnels wind through the entire downtown core. It feels like you are in a maze and it seemed to me to be a guessing game of which exit to take. The traffic is crazy (of course it always is in Mexico) and its every man for himself. This city has so much charm to it. It feels very European and it really quite clean. I loved visiting here and it is no wonder my sister is happy to call it home. The only drawback to me was there was no ocean close by.
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The Mexican Blanket

My Malia bought herself a blanket like this last year when she was here and I loved it. So I picked one up too. Here was the Campesino who was selling the blankets on the street in el centro. He was so cute trying to make a sale. Showing us how beautiful they all were.
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Me and Mom

Do we look like we are related? I can see more and more of mom in me. Its even worse when I open my mouth and out she poops.
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Ezekiel Arturo del Moral McLaughlin

2 weeks old and so precious
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Just hangin out

Tanisha and Sierra were caught by the camera just resting.
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