Saturday, September 3, 2011

Deciding to Blog yet again

Ok.. so after more than a year of not even looking at my blog. Yesterday I took a look at it.. and discovered to my horror that all my pictures were gone. I of course was devastated, but realized that if I'm going to use this as a sort of Journal I'm going to have to keep better care of it. Backing it up etc. So today I am back online.. and starting fresh. I will have to work on fixing the old blog posts, but I cannot wait until they are fixed to begin: I need to start today.
I realized how much of my wonderful life I'm not documenting. And it makes me sad to think that all the good and even some of the negative are lost or mostly lost to memories I may or may not be able to recall when I want to. So today is the next new beginning. Thank you Bridian for inspiring me to begin again. If it wasn't for you and your blog I wouldn't have had the opportunity to understand what your life was looking like to follow your adventure through the most tragic events that life could throw your way, but to also see the joys you experience. And I realize that I have made many wonderful friends who live at different corners of the earth, that might just enjoy a glimps into what is going on in my life. Hope you enjoy it all!!